IP Telephony on Satellite networks
The solution's challenge was to create a complete scalable and hybrid fixed telephony platform via IP, using satellites.
It was a work of approximately 6 months between concept, project, brainstorm, development, approval, training and conclusion.
According customer needs, I chose the best technologies to compose the solution, involving both free and licensed software.
I developed tools and applications that made up the integration between the client's system and the new platform, whether for activating, blocking or supporting active voice terminals.
I approved two models of IP Phones for use by the end customer. Here, the availability/offer of the device on the market, delivery times, price and finally the ease of self-provisioning (automatic configuration with the customer's line when taking it out of the box and calling) were taken into account.
I followed and supported the entire pilot phase and approval of the solution after it was ready, making adjustments and improvements according to the simulated use of the new platform and customer demand.
Delivered conceptual voice over ip training and handling of problems involving the sip protocol, as well as possible issues related to the platform for the callcenter/servicedesk team. At this point there was a concern that the callcenter team would have full knowledge and autonomy to solve any problems.
View the slides used in training this project on VoIP concepts here.
The new platform went live after all the functionality prerequisites were present.
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